mikka @bakugogay

→ She/her ⋆ ENG/ESP
→ 21⋆ ADHD
→ Bi ⋆ ENFP
→ Bkg kinnie ⋆ 20.11
about this user...:

LIKES ! Gatos. Bakugo. NBHD. Bkdk. Art. Shitpost. Dibujar. BNHA. Marvel. Amo mucho a bakugou. Procrastinar. Escribir en mayúsculas.

DISLIKES ! BKG antis. BKDK antis. Flasheo de confianza en exceso. Locals. Cuentas mutipupis. Auroners. Insectos. Sapos. Kiribaku-s. Kacchako-s. Izuocha-s. Cualquier ship ?? De BNHA.

Soy bakugo stan, shippeo bkdk, tdbk y tdbkdk, hago fb selectivo, suelo hacer tweets en inglés, no valido otras plurisexualidades que no sea la bi, no valido el babytalk, soy neurodivergente, odio el kacchako, el kiribaku e izuocha. SB PARA ROMPER MUTUAL
→ Basic dfi criteria, eres krbk/izch/kccko (ntp si somos mutuals), -13/+25, eres bkg anti o bkdk anti, no tenemos nada en común, tipico moralista de pixeles, no respetas pronombres, reposteas fanarts sin dar créditos, eres only kpop/streamer/cartoon account.

mikka @bakugogay

→ She/her ⋆ ENG/ESP
→ 21 ⋆ ADHD
→ Bi ⋆ ENFP-TJ
→ Latina
about this user...:

LIKES ! cats. Bakugou. BKDK. TDBKDK.. Draw. BNHA. Marvel. Sleep. Taylor Swift. NBHD. i like to be mean with antis. I love bakugou so fucking much

DISLIKES ! BKG antis. BKDK antis. Dudebros. Hot weather. Locals. Rt accounts. Bugs. Frogs. Krbks. Kccks. Izchs. Uraraka. Art repost. Flashing lights.

Bakugou. Spiderman. Kaminari. Jirou. Hawks. Karma akabane. Rin okumura.
BKDK. TDBK. Kamijirou.

IM BAKUGO STAN, i ship bkdk, tdbk & tdbkdk, I draw sometimes. I'm selective with fbs. Sometimes I tweet in spanish, no spoiler free, I'm neurodivergent, I'm Latina so eng isn't my first language. I HATE kacchako, kiribaku & izuocha. SB TO BREAK THE MOOT
→ Basic dfi criteria, u 're krbk/izch/kccko (don't worry if we are mutuals), -13/+25, u are bkg anti or bkdk anti, we have nothing in common, pixel moralist, you don't respect pronouns, you repost fanarts without credit or permission, you are only kpop/streamer/cartoon account.